Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dora Day!

So after finding out this morning I was only going to have one extra kidlet with me for the day, I was trying to figure out what the "girls"  could do.  My daughter is just about 4 and the other little girl I have in 2 1/2, they both LOVE Dora the Explorer so I was looking around on the web for something for us to make and I came across the Treehouse website.  Let's just say this is now on my favourites list, it has  everything and anything on it for all the kids favourite shows. After looking through the site for a while the girls came over to see what I was doing, they saw Dora on the one page I was on so I clicked on it for the girls.  We ended up watching 3 shows and they were in heaven.  I then found a Dora puppet craft there so I read through it, to make sure the girls would be about to make and found out it was as easy as cake.  Off I go printing Dora's body parts off and of course you can forget Backpack too.  I cut the pieces out while my girls were have their snack time and we made our puppets after that.  The two girls were signing a song from one of the shows we watched earlier and were having the best time ever.  Once it was time for me to clean up, off they went with their puppets and they played "Dora" together for over an hour, its the cutest thing to watch young children make believe and act out things.  To top our morning off I decided to cook them up some Dora and friends pasta and sauce.  As they were eating my little one says to me, I can't believe we have so much Dora fun.  It put a real smile on my face to know that they had a great day with all we did.  As they napped after lunch I decided to make one last Dora thing for them.  I found a frame on the website we were using and printed it off, I took pictures earlier after the girls finished their craft so I printed them off too and made a little scrapbook page for each of them.  Once they woke up and seen their own little keepsakes to have they where so excited.  What a great girls day we had.

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